IARNIW Seminar
On 26th November, 2024 a virtual Seminar was conducted by IARNIW on ‘2008 System of National Accounts (SNA) Revision’. Three presentations were made at the Seminar, the main presentation being ‘2025 SNA- Changes from 2008m SNA’ made by Dr. Gulab Singh, Former Senior Statistician, United Nations Statistics Division, New York. The presentations were followed by Question-Answer session and discussions. As the topic of the Seminar would be of immense use to the NAD to implement the various recommendations of the updated SNA, the feasibility of implementing the new recommendations on account of the availability of relevant data needs to be examined most expeditiously. The three presentations made at the Seminar are placed below for the benefit of experts, compilers and users of national accounts statistics to give their valuable comments, urgently. The comments may be sent at the following address
secretary@iarniw.in, iarniw99@gmail.com
- Speaker: Gulab Singh
Topic: 2025 SNA – CHANGES from 2008 SNA. - Speaker: Aloke Kar
Topic : Seeking clarifications on the conceptual changes affecting key macro-economic indicators . - Speaker: Dr. A.C. Kulshreshtha
Topic : 2025 SNA – Challanges for the Indian System of National Accounts.
41st conference of IARNIW to be held in March 2023
- Call for Papers for 41st conference
- Authors Guidelines 2023
- Schedule for IARNIW Conference 2023
- Papers for the conference (session 1)
- Papers for the conference (session 2)
- Papers for the conference (session 3)
- Papers for the conference (session 4)
- Papers for the conference (session 5)
Call for Papers
41stAnnual Conference of the Indian Association for Research in National Income and Wealth (IARNIW)
[17-18thMarch, 2022]
The IARNIW provides an effective platform for wider group of official Statisticians, National Accountants, Researchers and Academia to participate in research on national income and allied subjects. It helps in addressing various issues relating to estimation and compilation of national income estimates. Annual conference of IARNIW is organized every year on national income and wealth related issues.
The improvements in the system of national accounts, revisions of base years of constant price series, issues relating to various macro-economic aggregates, savings, capital formation, consumption expenditure, public sector accounts, input-output tables, capital stock, disaggregated statements, measurement of Digital & Blue economy and developments of state income accounts have been themes for critical discussions in the earlier IARNIW conferences.
The 41stAnnual Conference (2022) of IARNIW has been scheduled to be held during the 17-18thMarch, 2022 in New Delhi. The conference will provide the scholars to present their papers on following themes:
1.System of National Account Updates covering evolving areas like measurement of well being and distribution of income etc.;
2. Accounting of Environment and climate change in GDP;
3. Accounting of digital economy;
4. Sub-National/Regional Accounts;
5. Miscellaneous focusing on new data sources in National Accounting like Nowcasting of Economic Indicators.
Researchers, Scholars, Statisticians, Economists are invited to submit abstracts for papers, not exceeding 500 words in English, by 1stFebruary, 2022, including the title, key words, names of all authors, full postal address, e-mail addresses of the authors and the theme on which the paper is based on. On selection of the abstracts by the Editorial Board, the authors would be requested to submit full paper by __February 2022.
Authors of the selected papers will be invited to present their paper in the conference.
1stFebruary 2022: Abstract submission
15thFebruary 2022: Full paper submission
Abstract and full papers may be sent to the following emails ID: kratika.mittal@gov.in or iarniw99@gmail.com
Authors guidelines may be seen at home page of www.iarniw.in
The details of venue of the conference will be communicated shortly on the website.
The authors should submit their manuscript in Word Format in 1.5-line spacing as per the following guidelines.
- The manuscript should be organized to have a Title page, Abstract with keywords, Introduction, Material & Methods, Results & Discussion, Conclusion and Acknowledgment followed by References.
- Take a margin of 1 inch (or 2.54 cm) [Left, Right, Top, and Bottom] on A 4 paper.
- The Title of the paper should be in bold and title case. The subtitle to the main title should be in a small case.
- Keywords: About 5–6 keywords to be highlighted after Abstract.
- The title should be followed by the author’s name followed by the name of the co-authors.
- Name of the corresponding author should be highlighted with an asterisk. This is the author with whom all future correspondences will be made.
- The affiliation and complete official addresses (including the e-mail) of all the authors should be mentioned against their names in full. This information is absolutely essential.
- All such information should be in justified format only. Use the following font specifications Title: 14-point bold (title case and small case for sub-title), Author’s name: 12-point bold, Author’s affiliation: 12-point normal, Headings: 12-point bold, Sub-headings: 11-point italics, Body text: 12- point normal.
- The manuscript must be in English. Manuscripts should not exceed 12 printed pages including illustrations for research manuscript.
- Use Times New Roman as the font. Special words and quotes should appear in single quotation marks. Quote within a quote should be placed in double quotation marks. Lines should have 1.5 lines spacing (with one additional line space separating two different paragraphs).
- Tables must be inserted in the same files as the text and at the place where their mention is made in the text. The table numbers should be mentioned correctly in the text and the tables should appear in the vicinity of their mention: All tables are to be numbered using Arabic numerals. Tables should always be cited in text in consecutive numerical order. For each table, please supply a table caption (title) explaining the components of the table.
- Identify any previously published material by giving the original source in the form of a reference at the end of the table caption. Footnotes to tables should be indicated by superscript lower-case letters (or asterisks for significance values and other statistical data) and included beneath the table body.
- All tables should have caption. The format to be followed is table (number): title of the Table. Also, all tables should have a mention of the source they have been taken from (if the case may be). The source should be mentioned below the table and details for the same must be provided in references. A list of tables including their headings must be given separately in a page for reference.
Contribution of IARNIW Seminars and Conferences in the Development of the Indian System of National Accounts
The IARNIW seminars and conferences have served as effective platform for discussing the conceptualisation and changes in the Indian System of National Accounts over the years. Thus the improvements in the system of national accounts, revisions of base years of constant price series, introduction of various macro-economic aggregates, savings, capital formation, consumption expenditure, public sector accounts, input-output tables, capital stock, disaggregated statements and developments of state income accounts were themes for critical discussions in the IARNIW.
The introduction of the International System of National Accounts 1968, 1993 and 2008 were discussed by the IARNIW conferences and the views of IARNIW were conveyed to the United Nations for necessary changes in these systems.
IARNIW Seminar on National Accounts to be held in hybrid mode [offline as well as Online] on 11th November at Scope Convention Centre, SCOPE Complex, Lodi Road, New Delhi — Registration open
- The seminar is being conducted in hybrid mode (offline as well as online). Participants are requested to attend the seminar as per their convenience.
- For attending it offline, kindly register for the same by filling the Google form using the link given below:
https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScRWwXCOf1IolBj1zo2_jo6EWwjBZy0YWclKMuHib2hG2oCow/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0 - Due to limited availability of seats, offline participation is on invitation basis only. The filled in form received by 09.11.2022 (Wednesday) will be considered for invitation. Confirmation of invitation will be conveyed on 10.11.2022 (Thursday).
- For attending the seminar online, use the following link of Microsoft Team to join the meeting:
https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3a6UXA4PI9PPeFGvcEwvGKVJ5lxwZdHOW-7qV8QRDAU7I1%40thread.tacv2/1667813887931?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%223dad6860-66ef-42e5-b8be-477abc679479%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22d2c6ee41-61b5-4c62-bb47-ae28cc8be41e%22%7d - Programme Document