Membership of IARNIW
Membership of IARNIW is open to all with acknowledged research or abiding interest in national income and related subjects. The membership fees are as follows:
Life membership (in India): Rs. 1000
Institutional membership (in India): Rs. 10,000
Life membership (Foreign): USD 100
Institutional membership (Foreign): USD 500
To become a member one may apply in the prescribed form, given below, enclosing a demand draft favoring IARNIW to
The Joint Secretary,
Indian Association for Research in national income and Wealth (IARNIW),
National Statistical Office (NSO),
Room No. 430,
Sardar Patel Bhawan,
Parliament Street, New Delhi – 110001
Copies of the Journals are made available to the members on a complimentary basis. Members will also be informed of Conferences and Seminars on an individual basis
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