(Regd. Society funded by the Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation, Govt of India & Reserve Bank of India)
IARNIW Announces Annual Conference on 26-27 September 2020
“Effects of COVID 19 on the Economy”
The Annual Conference of IARNIW for the year 2019-20 was scheduled to be held at Vishakhapatnam on 19-20 March, 2020. It was postponed due to outbreak of COVID 19 pandemic. This conference is being organized now on 26th and 27th September, 2020 in a virtual mode. There would be four Technical Sessions on both the days of conference. In each session 4 to 5 papers would be presented by the Authors. Each Technical Session will also have a slot for Question and Answers.
Besides the papers already selected for the Vishakhapatnam conference, one contemporary topic ‘Effects of COVID 19 on the Economy is being added for the conference. Papers are invited on this subject and are required to be submitted latest by 15th August, 2020 for consideration. Authors of the selected papers would be informed by 30th August, 2020.
Complete papers may be submitted at email: or All papers should be submitted in both PDF and Word document format. The total size of papers including a brief Abstract in the beginning of the paper, should not be more than 12 pages in A4 size (with 1″ margin on all sides) in Times New Roman with font size 12 for write-up, table text and numbers in size 10. Authors are also requested to send their PPT presentation of the papers including slide notes. Please restrict the number of presentation slides to not more than ten per paper. Each paper presenter individually/jointly would get 10-12 minutes and the Session Chairperson/ Technical Controller of the session would have an authorization to maintain time discipline by muting the presenter in case of noncompliance of the directions of Session Chairperson. Hence plan your presentation time to the limits prescribed.
Detailed Programme of the conference will be uploaded shortly on the IARNIW website:
General Guidelines for all participants for the proposed virtual conference
- Kindly ensure that you have access to a steady internet connection;
- Kindly ensure that you’ve downloaded the latest version of App [like CISCO WebEx Meeting, Google Meet, MS Team etc. as would be displayed on the IARNIW website soon] on your preferred device like Tab, Laptop, Smartphone and so on;
- Tech check begins 10 minutes prior to the session time schedule;
- Kindly introduce you and your organization by dropping the details in the chat box as you enter the session;
- Please park all your questions until the end of the session/ post your questions as messages while the session is ongoing (until expressed differently by the Session controller); You may like to send your comments/questions on the papers, which are likely to be shared on the IARNIW website by 20th August, 2020 in advance at These would be shared with authors to facilitate their response;
- Considering the pressure on internet speed when so many delegates approach the meeting/sessions it is advisable to keep your microphone/video on mute for the entire duration of the session except when you wish to speak/intervene with the permission of chair. It helps in maintaining good audio quality for all participants; and
- We request you to stay till the end of the sessions to ensure you receive all the necessary communications on the way forward.
Please Note:
- Registration process would soon begin on Association website;
- We will be conducting a feedback session which will help us to measure and improve the impact of our webinar series. We seek your cooperation & thank you in advance in this regard; and
- You can cancel your registration by emailing us at with the following subject line “Cancel Registration for IARNIW Annual Conference”