M.A. (Economics)
Member of Executive Committee of Indian Association for Research in National Income and Wealth (IARNIW)
Mr. Sushil kumar is the Director, Department of Economics & Statistics (DES), Uttarakhand. DESis the Statistical Authority and the Nodal agency for collection, compilation, analysis, interpretation and dissemination of statistical information relating to all sectors of the economy of the state. The main function of the Directorate is to build up a firm and broad database, which is essential for the formulation of sound policies and planning. In short, Directorate of Economics and Statistics acts as a storehouse of statistical information in respect of the State and as a channel for feeding the statistical information to User Organizations.
Department of Economics and Statistics in Uttarakhand has present strength of about 200 spread over 13 districts units, two divisional units and a head office. However, ADO Statistics are posted in various development blocks. District Statistics and Economics officer heads each of the district unit and divisional offices are headed by Deputy Directors while Directorate is headed by Director Economics and Statistics.
As the head of department, Mr. Kumar uses a model of supportive and participatory leadership to promote the concept of team building and empowerment within the organization. He has set organizational goals and performance objectives, identify employee’s training needs, manage organizational changes and try to come up with new ideas and approaches. His one of the key roles is to analyze overall aspects of the state economy and placing various reports before State Government with specific suggestions.