Govind Soni
Govind Soni
MA (Economics, MDS University, Ajmer, Rajasthan, India
Expertise: National Accounts Statistics (General Government Sector)
Secretariat In-charge–Indian Association for Research in National Income and Wealth (IARNIW)
Mr. Govind Soni joined Subordinate Statistical Service (SSS) in 1997. He is presently serving as Senior Statistical Officer in the National Accounts Division, Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MoSPI), New Delhi, India. He has vast experience of analyzing Budget Documents of Central, States & Local governments for over 20 years,which is instrumental in preparing Gross Value Added and other macroeconomic estimates of General Government Sector. Mr. Soni has also worked in State Coordination and General Coordination unit of National Accounts Division.
For a short period, he was also involved in Census work at O/o Registrar General of India, M/o Home Affairs, Directorate of Census Operation Jharkhand, Ranchi, where he was selected through Union Public Service Commission (UPSC), of India.
From year 2012 onwards, he has successfully been managing the secretariat work of IARNIW and played key role in organizing various annual conference and seminars of IARNIW.