Dr. Mridul Saggar is currently Professor of Practice in the area of Economics and Head of Uruppika – The Centre for Excellence in Macroeconomics, Banking and Finance at the Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Kozhikode.
A central banker for three decades, Dr Saggar, superannuated as the Executive Director, Reserve Bank of India (RBI) and one of the six members of the RBI’s Monetary Policy Committee in charge of taking collegiate decisions on policy interest rate and the monetary policy stance. He was also a member of its Financial Markets Committee that takes decisions on its financial market operations. He has guided the economics research at the RBI and was responsible for most of its publications.
Earlier, he has served as the Head of the International Department of RBI, representing India at various international bodies including the G20, BRICS, SAARC and many of its Working Groups/Task Forces. He has also been an external expert associated with the Monetary Capital Markets (MCM) Department of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and offering Technical Assistance to member countries on monetary policy frameworks and operating procedures. He was also responsible for central bank swaps and looked after the central bank’s interactions with IMF, World Bank, BIS and FSB. He has also served as the Investor Education and Protection Fund Authority (IEPF) Chair Professor at NCAER and as Chief Economist at Kotak Institutional Equities.
Dr Saggar has keen interest in national statistical system with focus on macro-economics and financial markets. He is currently, Chairman of the Technical Advisory Committee on the Index of Industrial Production set up by the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation of the Government of India. He was earlier involved with the Expert Group on Saving and Capital Formation and was member secretary of the Working Group on Domestic and foreign Savings for the Ninth Five Year Plan. He has also headed the National Accounts Division at the RBI. He has published research articles on the System of National Accounts, 1993 and System of Environmental Economic Accounting (SEEA) and worked on OECD Committee to revise its Codes related to liberalization of Capital and Invisible accounts.
A PhD from IGIDR and a mid-career fellow at Princeton University, he has over 50 published research papers in referred journals covering macroeconomics, international finance, monetary policy and monetary operations, international financial architecture and international economic relations, global financial regulatory reforms, financial inclusion, national accounts, and agriculture policy.